Terms of Service
We will attempt to repair the device fault which you agree to pay for in advance if the device is being sent to us. Should you bring your device to us, then you agree to pay for the device at the time of collection.
Should it arise that the engineers carrying out the repair detect any further fault/s than the original one, then the price quoted would be subject to change. We will not proceed with any extra repair work without contacting you first to get your verbal or written confirmation by email or other electronic means.
If the device is identified as stolen/ blacklisted, or tampered with in any way, we will not offer you a repair service. We also reserve the right to refuse to repair your device should we deem it to be in such a condition that it is irreparable.
We pride ourselves on protecting and keeping your mobile data safe and secure. If, however, any data loss occurs as a result of the repair, TekRepairs will not be liable for any lost or corrupt data. Therefore, we always strongly advise that you backup all personal data.
You agree that the information given regarding the repair is correct and the repair of the device is based upon the discussed fault as mentioned on this service request.
Privacy Policy
Under no circumstances do we transfer your details and information to any other company. We abide by all rules regarding data protection and GDPR.
During the booking process of your device, we are required to take some details about you and your device. This is required to both identify the owner of the device and to be able to contact you.
Information may be kept on the system for repair history and customers warranty. Customers may at any point contact us by email (info@tekrpeairs.com) and request to view any information we have or request it be deleted.